According to a recent Manpower survey Australia in particular is experiencing difficulties getting bums on seats with 52% experiencing difficulty finding staff. Mind you it’s even worse elsewhere - take Singapore for example with 57%, Hong Kong with 61%, Japan 63% and Romania 73%. Anyone want a job in Romania? On a worldwide basis 31% of employers have this challenge.
As you would anticipate, there is a reverse trend in the Americas, where most of the present economic problems are rooted. Here employer numbers having trouble finding employees have more than halved compared with last year.
In biggest demand are skilled manual trades, sales reps, technicians, engineers, management/executives, labourers, administrative assistants, drivers, accounting and finance staff and IT staff. But surely there should be an even bigger demand for employment branding consultants to help sort out this mess! You have our phone number right?
Tony Heywood is a Fellow of the Design Institute of Australia, founder of Heywood Innovation in Sydney Australia and joint founder of BrandSynergy in Singpore.
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